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As a new service for the membership (primary purpose -- to reduce the number of pieces of legislation students must research for contests AND to ease burdens on tournament hosts), KHSSL is offering a Legislation packet service for the months of October - January -- the KHSSL Invitational Legislation Treasury (KILT).


During these months, two packets of legislation will be posted -- one for Oct/Nov, and one for Dec/Jan -- for use by schools offering Congressional Debate at invitationals. Use of these packets by tournaments is voluntary -- you are certainly welcome to use your own unique packet of legislation, or to offer additional legislation to one of these packets. 


Reminder to all member schools that legislation submitted to the State Debate Tournament should be new legislation not debated at a prior tournament. 

KILT Guidelines


Legislation is accepted for the Dec/Jan KILT through November 22. It must be submitted according to the instructions on the templates below. Submissions which do not follow these instructions and use these templates will be ignored. 


Update, 11/25:  As only one school had submitted legislation by the deadline, there is no Dec/Jan KILT.


October/ November KILT

(click here)

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