Mind over chatter since 1920.
Information a click away
KHSSL is happy to provide this website to its membership and the speech and debate community as a central place to find much information needed in one spot. Please contact the Executive Director if you have other helpful links to add to these pages.
Limited Prep Practice Materials (Impromptu, Improv Duo, Broadcasting, Extemp)

Hosting a Tournament?
Click Here!
If you're hosting a tournament, browse to this page for a preparation checklist, links to ballots and Congressional debate materials you'll need, etc.
Script Hunting?
Click Here!
Here are lots of great ideas about where to find scripts to use at speech tournaments! Also where to purchase those black books and pages (slicks) -- may the shopping be with you!
Limited Prep Practice Materials?
Click Here!
From Extemp Central to Broadcasting scripts to Impromptu and Improv topics, a smorgasbord of practice possibilities await you.